Holistic Health Care

Consult Dr. Godwin Sammut of Lifetime Wellness Holistic Health Center if you’re interested in trying holistic health care in Pleasanton, CA.

What Is Holistic Health Care?

Upon being asked to describe yourself, you will likely begin by talking about your physical appearance before mentioning some of your likes, dislikes, and other personality quirks. The point is your individuality doesn’t end with your physical characteristics. That same philosophy should apply to your treatment.

Ideally, a medical provider should consider every facet of your current condition and not just focus on your physical symptoms. That’s the guiding philosophy of holistic health care.

Practitioners of holistic health care believe that balancing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health is the key to achieving optimal wellness. Without that balance, a person can expect to experience health issues.

While the concept of holistic health care may initially seem strange, it may already be relevant to how you stay healthy. For example, many of us practice yoga to stay fit and alleviate the stress and tension inherent to the daily grind. Others prefer playing basketball or other sports with friends to stay in shape while nurturing their mental and emotional health.

The idea that you need to take care of your mental, emotional, and spiritual health along with your body to remain in peak condition is far from foreign. We just haven’t conceptualized that approach to staying healthy often enough.

The good news is you can take an active role in sustaining your balanced level of wellness. Partner with Dr. Sammut of Lifetime Wellness Holistic Health Center so you can experience holistic health care in Pleasanton, CA.

What Holistic Health Care Treatments Can Your Chiropractor Provide?

Chiropractors are uniquely qualified to develop treatment plans that prioritize holistic health care. Thanks to years of studying the human body and how its systems interact with each other, they understand how to improve a person’s condition in more ways than one.

For example, your chiropractor can hone in on the chronic back pain you’ve been experiencing and treat it using chiropractic adjustments and myofascial release. Once your back pain is resolved, your mood should improve. You’ll be healthier in other ways because your bad back isn’t dragging you down.

Your chiropractor can also give you diet and exercise tips so you can start leading a healthier life. Increasing your activity level and eating better can positively affect different aspects of your health. It’s easier to sustain your desired level of wellness when you receive regular whole-body neuromusculoskeletal tune-ups.

Call 925-429-8009 to schedule a holistic health care appointment in Pleasanton, CA, with Dr. Sammut of Lifetime Wellness Holistic Health Center.

Contact Us

Call us today at (925) 429-8009 or (925) 963-2740 to schedule a consultation!

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4125 Mohr Ave Suite K, Pleasanton, CA 94566

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